Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Am Jane Jamison

I was recently saddened to hear of the death of conservative news-blogger Jane Jamison.
Jane Jamison was not her real name in fact it was an alias she found necessary to protect her privacy in the "tolerant" bay area.

Jane's first postings were links to news stories on the Bay Area Patriots Yahoo Group under the name LuvMyCountry. In August of 2009 at the same time I started my little Blog she started UnCoverage.Net. Over the last two years I watched as her little Blog grew into a big one. My little blog remained little and I am fine with that. Jane may have been an attorney by day but her true passion was blogging. I suffer from a slight case of insomnia and when ever I checked into Facebook after midnight Jane would be up. In fact most of her postings were done after midnight. If you are up at wee hours sometimes you stumble onto new stories before anyone else does. The couple of times that happened to me I sent my leads to Jane.

Until Jane's passing I never really understood the significance of the name UnCoverage.
The bay area has numerous old media outlets and all of them are deaf dumb and blind to any viewpoint that is not liberal. If you gather 20 hippies together to protest for affordable housing you are assured a report on the local evening news. Gather two thousand people downtown next to a TV station to rally for a conservative cause you will be ignored. Jane discovered and covered news-stories no one else would. She often rallied the troops urging us to show up for rallies and to contact our representatives for conservative causes. Many of these causes were in fact lost causes in the liberal People Republic of CA but Jane urged us to mount our steeds and charge the wind mills like Don Quixote.

After the election of 2010 Jane grew continually disillusioned with liberal CA and in fact wanted to move to TX. With the real estate market continuing to suck she was unable to fullfill that dream. Jane did not do a lot of non political postings but when she did it was as an avid fan of the University of Nebraska football team. I invited her to speak at my tea party but she declined stating she feared attacks from liberals and that she had her car keyed twice at events. In May she sent me a birthday greeting on Facebook "Happy Birthday Patriot" Coming from Jane that was a real compliment.

On 8-26 Jane made her final posting saying she was going to be away for a few days to deal with a family emergency. Over the last few weeks I checked her site looking forward to her return. After the Solyndra scandal broke I grew even more anxious for her return knowing she would find the "hidden dirt" on this story no one else could. I have been extremely busy at work and I only stumbled unto news of Jane's passing last night and was shocked she had passed away on 8-30.

Over the last couple of years at tea party rally s many people have held up signs saying
"I am John Galt" from the book Atlas Shrugs. This 6-3 300# guy may hold up a sign at the next rally I am attending saying " I am Jane Jamison" maybe you should too. If there is a tea party table in Heaven Jane is sitting there.

A Voice Crying In The Wilderness

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember the Maine???

Two years ago while visiting an antique store in Monterrey CA. I came upon a Crystal ship setting on a table. The ship had etched into its sides the words "Remember the Maine" It sat upon a piece of paper which said the article was for for sale for $50.00 with the interesting and sarcastic comment " Is there really anybody left who actually remembers the Maine??"

The USS Maine had been sent to Havana, Cuba to protect U.S. interests during the Cuban revolt against Spain.On the evening of 15 February 1898, she suddenly exploded, and swiftly sank, killing nearly three quarters of her crew. Though then, as now, the cause and responsibility for her sinking were unclear; popular opinion in the U.S. blamed Spain, and the sinking (popularized in the phrase Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!) was one of the precipitating events of the Spanish-American War. Her sinking remains the subject of speculation, with various authors proposing that she sank due to the results of an undetected fire in one of her coal bunkers or that she was the victim of a navel mine.

It was America's original day of infamy whose citizen's flames of rage were fanned by the yellow rag journalism of William Randolf Hearst. As a child I remember the date of 2-15 was still being identified on calenders as Remember the Maine Day. Now it is reduced to obscurity as the start of a war most Americans are not even aware we fought.

What does this have to do with anything? I have watched the remembrance and significance of Dec. 7th Pearl Harbor Day fading with each passing year. It has become politically incorrect to remember an attack by a Nation that provides the pickup truck in your driveway. Unlike the Maine the sunken USS Arizona sits as both a memorial and tomb on our native soil and thousands of tourists visit it every year.

I wonder in 100 years from now if we will remember 911? When the children of the victims who died that awful day themselves pass into the great beyond will anyone remember?

The real question is will there still be a great nation known as the United States of America left to remember all of those who have fought and died in her defense or will we be remembered like the Maine??

A Voice In the Wilderness