Thursday, November 26, 2009

Two Minus Two Still Equals Zero

About a year ago we were in the tempest of an economic storm whose gale winds still blow. Many businesses have since experienced layoffs leaving the remaining workers having to work longer hours. For those lucky of us enough to still be working, there are no cost of living adjustments and with profit margins reduced we also all have to work harder just to keep the doors open. I and my cohorts at work are painfully aware that two minus two equals zero. Meaning if we make two dollars and spend two dollars we have zero remaining. That's OK fine in this economic environment.

This advanced mathematical concept is beyond the grasp of the University of California system. It seems with tax revenues being down the universities are getting less money and as a result are raising student fees substantially by 42%. This has led to protests and sit-ins and much weeping and gnashing of teeth on the students part. Do I feel their pain? absolutely. I also understand that costs need to be cut and revenues raised.

If you were over the university system-what would you do then? Well, first of all I would cut all unnecessary programs. Now you may ask what is unnecessary? art, music, English literature? No way! I would say these are all precious and must be protected.

You may ask what would you do to cut costs? I would cut academic programs which are inherently racist like African American ,Asian American and Latino American studies. I would also cut degree programs in feminism and gay lesbian transgendered studies, and yes Community Organizing. I could go through the various University of California college catalogs and using nothing but common sense would cut do-nothing classes and their instructors which add nothing but ignorance. I would take great glee and fire former 60's radical and US Communist Party Presidential candidate Angela Davis and keep three nontenured history professors in her stead.

How would I raise revenues then? My college education was largely funded on the taxation of natural resources. I would go before the legislature and beg for offshore drilling and the 100s of millions in tax revenues it would bring my institutions. I would arrange for power plants to be built on every campus for free electricity. And finally when the full fury of ignorance of the tree sitter crowd raised its ugly head in protest to my actions, I would show no mercy and would eviscerate them with all the media at my disposal.

Well that's not going to happen.

These fee hikes are representative of the disease of liberalism which infects the state of California. Programs and services are added with no thought as to tomorrow. The problem is passed to the next generation. Unfortunately the next generation is here now. This 42% fee increase is nothing but a tax on college students and their families. It's what liberals do. The students will bear debt that will leave them enslaved to the state. And that's what some people actually want.

The concept of Two Minus Two Equaling Zero is sadly way beyond the minds of those in charge of issuing advanced degrees in mathematics.

I suppose the students can still pick their protest signs back up for all the good it will do. And they will blame everyone but the liberals as they do it.

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Wifes Letter to The AARP

Hello AARP:
Long ago a man named Edmund Burke made the statement: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I am ashamed to say that I have primarily been a "do nothing" politically for a long time. I can no longer stand on the sidelines and let our beloved country be gulled and shoved down the road to ruin!

Ronald Reagan once said "The most frightening words in the English language are "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help." I do not believe in a big wet-nurse Government who assumes they know what is best for ME! How profoundly arrogant,conceited and just plain prideful! And we know where pride leads...

Due to what I perceive as the shortsighted, and fundamentally unwise bought-and-paid-for support by AARP of Obamacare, I am canceling my membership in AARP effective immediately. I will expect a refund of the remaining 6 months membership fees as soon as may be.

To paraphrase Patrick Henry:"Is life so dear or retirement so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of managed healthcare and the slavery of Eternal National Debt... .Forbid It Almighty God!!!". AARP has forged its own chains and it has sold its soul to Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi but I will not sell mine.

That was the end of the letter from my mild mannered wife.

It is not surprising that AARP" Has Taken a stand". Follow the money trail below

A Voice Crying In the Wilderness

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Making Seuss of the Matter

Now there was an old Writch (Witch + Grinch) that some say lived in the land of DC .
A most Utopian place filled with more bureaucrats than a forest has trees.

But that old Writch hated those who lived in the outside,
in land the land of the Doos for so she said:
"they are AstroTurf and don't wear designer shoes"

Now that old Writch cooked up quite a plot.
The old Writch said "We will give the Doos a health care bill whether they like it or not.
Now we will polish it and package it and will extol it with glee.
We will tell the stupid Doos that it will be free .
We will even shout it virtues from the hallowed halls of NBC. "

Now every thing was going to plan or so the old Writch thought.The Doos were sleeping and Horton (the elephant) sloughed.
Then the smallest of the Doos, little Cindy Lou Doo, did something the Writch never expected her to, she opened her special package and read it through and through.

Now little Cindy Lou Doo said "This is something more here than a present for me;
it looks like there is something in this package that costs over a trillion dollars and a hundred billion times three.

"Now Cindy and a million other Doos traveled to DC.
They clanged and made a great noise.
The old media ignored them and said go home and play with your toys.

Nothing changed because that old Writch had no heart
and she could not wait for the voting to approve her package to start.
The clock chimed 12 and the Writch shouted with glee:
" The bill is approved! Thank you for making history with me!"

The next day the old Writch put her ear to the ground
listening for sighing and the baying of hounds.
"My package is passed! the deed is done! why no crying or other sad sounds?

Then the old Writch raised up from the ground and looked out past the land of DC.
All she could see was Little Cindy Lou Doo and the Doo's land of the free.

The Doos were growing and adding you see,
and it seemed they had multiplied by factors of 10 of millions times three.

Now the old Writch's problem was not really that she had no heart
but in judging we Doos as not very smart.

The moral of the story is: One should learn how to count above 220.

A Voice Laughing in the Wilderness

PS : My sincere apologies to Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Hammer Must Fall

The year was 732 and Europe was deep in the dark ages. A great army of 50,000+ Islamic Moors invaded from Spain into the land of the Franks which is now France. The Moors viewed Europe as easy pickings whose inhabitants were seen as ignorant barbarians.

The leader of the Franks, at that time, was a man I can trace my ancestry to - Charles "The Hammer" Martel. European armies at that time were made up of farmers who would join in battle when needed but as soon as the battle was over would return to the harvest and their family. (Note: this farmer/soldier model did not change until well after the American Civil War.)Martel knew he could not defeat the great invading army without a trained professional army. Martel sought funding for an from the the richest institution in Europe at that time - the church in Rome. At first the church turned funding down but after a couple of monasteries had been ransacked they acquiesced. The funds were spent to train an army whose sole purpose was to fight. The great armies finally met at the battle of Tours where the Franks were triumphant and it is remembered as one of the most important battles to shape world history. The moors retreated to Spain. The grandson of Martel was Charlemagne.

What does this have to do with current events? For one, we are being overrun by a force that truly believes it is more intelligent than we are and believes it has superior numbers and technology. Most of us feel we are good citizens. We vote, we go to jury duty, we go to church , we pay our bills and raise our families. But the trouble is that is no longer good enough. If we are not willing to donate our time and money to causes and candidates we believe in, we will lose time and time again to forces that seek to overwhelm us.

Yesterday the Hammer fell and we won a battle. The war will not be won without all of our continued involvement.

A Voice Crying In The Widerness

PS : There is a small gathering on the Capitol steps tommorow