OK, First an explanation of the picture. It is a campaign flag from " The American Know Nothing Party" of the 1800s. They were famous for their anti German and Irish immigration platform yet its members gave the response " I know nothing " when questioned about the actual beliefs of the party. Former President Millard Filmore garnered 23% of the vote as the Know Nothing Presidential candidate in 1856. Now on to my latest posting.
The year was 1986 and I was working as a supervisor on constructing experimental testing facilities for jet engines in Connecticut. I received a phone call from the corporate headquarters of the company I was working for at that time in Montgomery, AL. The call detailed a new job duty which involved having each employee fill out the newly required I-9 verification form. The purpose of this form was to verify that each employee was indeed a legal resident of the US.
I was told that an Alabama corporation operating in Connecticut could be a prime suspect for auditing by the government. I must register now that I believe these concerns were correct and my own opinion based on living there for three years is they still have not forgotten the Civil War in Connecticut. Noncompliance with the new law meant potential fines fines of $10,000 per employee would be levied.
I was not thrilled with what I thought was akin to being drafted into the Junior Beaver Border Patrol Auxiliary but I took my forms around for verification of all the construction workers. Needless to say I suffered abuse in my personal pursuit of illegal aliens with the vast majority of my construction workers being Caucasian males age 50 plus.
At that time I thought the issue of illegal aliens and border control was over. If the full power of the government was seeking compliance in my little world then how could a person or company expect to operate outside the law? Over the years I changed jobs several times and moved all over the continental US. For each move I had to obtain a new drivers licence , proof of automobile insurance and a credit report verifying my ability to pay rent. I also had to produce two forms of government identification for my personal I-9 form not to mention personal references in order to get a job. In other words your papers please.
But I was mistaken in my view that government regulations alone could stem the tide of illegal immigration for it seems there is one thing more powerful than the government and that is family. I moved to CA in 1989 and I have observed the incerdibly strong Hispanic family culture. Go to any public park on any weekend in CA and you will see huge family gatherings for birthdays and other celebrations.
Because we have never truly secured our border with Mexico people come here for a better life. That better life starts by picking crops ,cleaning a hotel or washing dishes. The jobs are paid for in cash and with a wink and a nod. Family takes care of family and free health care for that family is provided at the emergency room. Children come as they often do in families and they are given the same inalienable rights as you or I. Even the children who are here illegally are given in state tuition rates at colleges.
The illegal aliens over time have adapted to utilize forms of illegal identification and all that is necessary for a black market economy. Cars and even the ability to buy a house are available. Because the personal economy of illegal aliens is based on mistrust and deception to US law it has not melted as well as other cultures into the great American melting pot. English is definitely now the second language of millions.
The capitalist system in it's quest for greed does not care where money comes from as long as it is green. The factory farms, restaurant, and hotel industry are codependent on cheap labor. This labor does not require a 40 hour workweek, workman's compensation, or benefits. The liberal political machine views Hispanics as loyal future Democratic party members for multiple generations to come.
You may ask if I would turn in my neighbor if you knew they were here illegally? I must tell you if they caused me no trouble then the answer would be no. If they caused me no trouble I frankly wouldn't care.If however I suspected my next door neighbor was trafficking in drugs I would definitely report them to the border patrol. That does not make me a racist. It is also not racist to expect people residing in this country to obey its laws and to carry proper legal identification.
Your papers please. It is a ligitimate request made to US citizens everyday and one that cannot be ignored just because you are Hispanic. Thats what the new law in Arizona is all about.
A Voice In the Wilderness
PS: Yes I believe in immigration reform but not in any form presently proposed. Crimes have been commited not only by individuals but also by busnessess. These crimes must be paid for with time and money. That time and money should only come from the illigal aliens and the black market structure that has supported them.