Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last Thursday I attended a candidate forum and debate at the Vallejo Naval Museum between Congressman George Miller and challenger Rick Tubbs. As the debate went on I was surprised by the vitriol expressed by Mr. Miller not at Mr. Tubbs but at his supporters. Mr. Miller's face grew red and he angrily shook his finger at the Tubbs supporters on several occasions. At one point Miller proclaimed new polling data showing 70% of Americans now support the recently passed health care reform bill. I frequently read polling data from Rasmussen Reports and Real Clear Politics online and knew his comments to be nothing more than a bold faced lie.

I left the meeting with a queasy feeling in my stomach. My own opinion was that Mr. Miller was attempting to goad the Tubbs supporters into confrontation. Fortunately we maintained our cool as the union thugs bussed in from outside of district seven cheered Miller's outlandish behavior.
You are welcome to review the debate online. I do not think you will find my evaluations to be overstated.

Mr. Miller has lost my vote not because he is a Democrat, not because he a liberal and not because he is a progressive. Mr. Miller has lost my vote because he plain and simply has lost my respect. Mr. Miller has forgotten that he works for we the people and for that simple reason he does not deserve to be reelected.

Last week I was insulted AND NOW ITS PERSONAL!!!

A Voice In the Wilderness