Monday, October 26, 2009

The Peasants are Revolting

Something interesting is happening in upper New York a tiny revolution of sorts. It seems there is a special election in the 23rd congressional district . The local GOP committee and the national party is backing a candidate who maintains many views more in line with the Democrats then what you would perceive the GOP to stand for. The Conservative Party of New York is backing another candidate who has been given an endorsement by Sarah Palin and several other leaders of the conservative movement. Normally the GOP candidate in NY automatically gets the endorsement of the Conservative Party as the Democrats automatically get the endorsement of the state Liberal Party.

The RINO's ( Republicans in name only) have been giving us voters lip service and then doing exactly as they please for quite a while. They think and believe the GOP voters of this district are so stupid that they can fly in a tired old retread like Newt Gingrich to make an endorsement for the official GOP candidate and the rank and file GOP will run like lemmings to the polls. I started to write a post concerning this when I read the following article. It expresses in much more eloquent terms then I could ever do what many of us in the rank and file conservatives have been feeling for quite a while.

PSST Don't tell anybody but The Peasants are Revolting!

Until latter A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I so agree with what you wrote. Reading your blog actually brought tears to my eyes because you were saying exactly what I was thinking and feeling but so much more eloquently.

    I have been a strong supporter of Sarah Palin even when it has given me some grief with some neighbors and PTA members. I admire her strong faith in God and her trying to live her life in a way that glorifies Him. She is definitely an anomaly in political realms which is what makes her even more attractive to people who are looking for honest, common sense, moral individuals to enter into office. Whether she herself will run or whether she can direct us to some of these worthy people, I think we can trust her sense of character.
    It is true that we need to look at these candidates not just whether they have an R or a D attached to their names but we need to know their character, their beliefs, their morals and their principles because this is how they will base their decisions as they are in office.

    I too believe that we can bring this country back to the state that our founding fathers intended it to be but only if the people go back to the one true God which the founders based our constitution from His laws. If we think that we can fix this big mess that we are currently in only by relying on mere human beings, we are sadly missing the most important point. And that is, we cannot fix anything without first working on our relationship or lack of relationship with our creator. I hold on to His promise in:

    Chronicles 7:14- Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their lands.

    (Our land and especially our people sure need a lot of restoring.)

    Thank you again for your very insightful blog. And may God bless our country and protect our soldiers.

