Friday, January 22, 2010

Be Carefull What You Wish For

This past week the US Supreme Court struck down the McCain/Fiengold campaign finance laws. The end result being that corporations and unions will now have a free rein in campaign and political issues advertising. No longer will you have to hear the words "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message".

The court case stemmed from a documentary film concerning then Presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton. The movie was banned from being shown in theaters as it was "political advertising" albeit negative toward Hillary. Many conservatives are viewing this court decision as a victory for free speech and have been wishing for some time that the campaign finance laws would be overturned.

In the 1950's President Eisenhower's Secretary of Defense Charlie Wilson made the statement: "What is good for General Motors is good for America...". Moving in our magic time machine, as I love to do, to the present - just how does this statement translate to the mega corporations of the 21st century and their new ability to advertise for political causes?

You see, I am not so sure that what is good for Microsoft is always good for America and I am pretty darned sure that's what's good for Wal-mart is not good for America. If I were a betting person I would sure bet that those two corporations will have a bigger hand in the political process in the future than they already do now ; also be prepared for campaign adds from the SEIU and George Soros' organization.

As the 2010 elections near we all should be prepared for our television viewing to be filled with political commercials containing all the glamor and glitz of a Ron Popeil rotisserie marathon proclaiming the best candidates money can buy.

Be careful what you wish for. It might just come true. Thank goodness I have a TIVO.

A Voice In the Wilderness

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