Friday, April 16, 2010

Courage and Fear

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer is a famous quote by General George Patton. I have to admit I am a little afraid about this Thursday April 15 2010. You see I am attending a Tea Party in downtown San Francisco and I plan on giving a speech at that event. I could be attending a Tea Party in Sacramento with 10,000 like minded people in a flag waving love fest but instead I am choosing to go into the belly of the liberal beast. I have mentioned my choice to several of my conservative friends and this caused all of them to raise their eyebrows. One even asked me " Will you be wearing a riot helmet?"

What do you have to fear you may ask? For one thing anarchists have made several Internet postings that they want to break up Tea Party's on April 15th and cause disturbances . Two weeks ago I went to Golden Gate Park to view the King Tut exhibit. There at the entrance to the park was a little event going on called the anarchists book sale. An anarchist book sale is not an event that your going to see in middle America but one that is quite at home in the Bay Area.

In addition liberal activist groups regularly post want ads in local newspapers As a result paid protesters ( Rent a Mobs) show up for any Bay Area event worthy of liberal interest. In 2003 anti war protesters held a "vomit in" at the Federal Courthouse. That conjures up all kinds of positive images now doesn't it?

So why go into the face of potential trouble?

I go to carry a sign in defiance of Nancy Pelosi in her backyard. I go to deliver a speech that I could not give in an event controlled by the GOP because our country deserves better. I go because I am afraid and no one should ever be afraid to attend a lawful peaceful assembly with the fear of physical retribution occurring in these United States.

I go because I believe in Free Speech, even in San Francisco.

A Voice Crying In the Wilderness

Epilogue: The Tea Party in San Francisco went off yesterday without a hitch due to the amazing organizational skills of the Bay Area Patriots and the event's chief organizer Sally Zelikovsky in particular. The San Francisco police were there and did a great job. I have been to church picnics with more controversy.

1 comment:

  1. picnics seldom turn out to be 'picnics' - if you know what I mean.

    I want to hear about the event.
