Friday, July 16, 2010

My Speech to the Tea Party Movement

Around November of last year I decided to become involved in the Tea Party movement. I knew a Tea party would be going on somewhere April 15th so I put in for a vacation day for that date. You see I just not want to attend the party but I wanted to speak out. I contacted the Tea Party in San Francisco and asked permission to give a speech. I was told that they encouraged people who came to their events to speak out and they called it "astroturfing" in honor of Nancy Pelosi. The speech was well received by the crowd that day and I have since given it at other tea party functions. I share the text of my speech with you today because I feel the future of our county and the state of CA in which I reside lies in the balance with the results of the 2010 election.

Following is the text of my speech .

I moved to Vallejo, CA, in 1995 where my family and I found our little piece of the California Dream. I came here to speak because I believe that for many of us the dream is fading.

Today I would like to read to you a famous patriotic historical document, however it is not one most of you have ever heard before. On February 24, 1836, during Santa Ana's siege of the Alamo, Colonel William Travis wrote a letter addressed "To the People of Texas and All Americans in the World":

Fellow citizens and compatriots;
I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Ana. I have sustained a continual Bombardment and cannonade for 24 hours and have not lost a man. The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken. I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, and our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch. The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily and will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country. Victory or Death.

William Barret Travis
Lt. Col. Comdt.

On March 3 Travis wrote his last letter

"Take care of my little boy. If the country should be saved, I may make him a splendid fortune; but if the country should be lost, and I should perish, he will have nothing but the proud recollection that he is the son of a man who died for his country."

Why these words from 174 years ago and what are their relevance? Today in CA we Conservatives lie behind enemy lines. We have seen the will of the people exercised time and time again through ballot initiative only to be thwarted by an activist judiciary. We have a tyrannical Democrat party minority (yes, only 45% of registered voters are Democrats) granted permanent majority status through gerrymandering. Our state legislature over-regulates, over mandates, over-taxates, and over-exasperates the citizens of our state.

The old media press who are still free are shackled to the chains of liberalism. They sit deaf, dumb and blind as our state runs like a barrel in the rapids of a river approaching a waterfall of financial ruin.

We have even gone so far as to recall our Governor only to have elected a sheep in wolf's clothing.

Government agencies raise our bridge tolls without having an election or even with the consent of our legislature. Unelected environmental bureaucrats tell us that we can not burn a fire in our fireplace on Christmas Day. Are you politicians here today listening to the crowd now??
When we have an election in CA, we are ignored. The national GOP views our elections as already lost and the Democrats expect a coronation not an election. The Democrats pick the pockets of the liberal minds of Californians for funds and send the money out of our state to win quote on quote " competitive races."

We, the voices of California tax payers, have been reduced to the tiny bleats from the dust speck in Horton Hears a Who. We are here!! We are here!! We are here!!

I bring news of hope to you today, for as much as I pray for our total victory in November, I also know we will suffer defeats. How may hope be gained in defeat you ask?

In 2008, over five million Californians voted for John McCain, a candidate who to most of us was uninspiring and we viewed as the lesser of two evils. Five million...that's more votes than Barack Obama got in NY state, it's more votes than McCain got in Texas and five times more votes than McCain got in in South Carolina. We, the conservatives of California, are actually the largest voting block of conservatives in the USA!

My Congressman in the 7th district, George Miller,.... He puts up his re-election signs just three - count them three - days before the election. Now George Miller , Barbara Boxer and Madame Nancy Pelosi ......are not expecting a battle this NOVEMBER because in the mind of the Progressive you and I are ignorant rubes and are undeserving of their attention. They have. quite frankly, lost their fear of you - the electorate.

But I will tell you one thing...When the creative minds that I have seen in this Tea Party movement are unleashed, the Democrats are awaiting a re-election campaign from hell! We all seen have seen the brilliance of the American mind on UTube. Can you imagine what our political advertisements on are going to look like on TV? All the power of the old media will not be able to protect these buffoons from their own words and actions as recorded by Briebart. In the words of Thomas Jefferson "We will place before them the heart of the matter in terms so clear and concise so as to demand their assent."

I am calling on you, as patriots, today to make four sacrifices but the sacrifices I am asking you to make are much less than those that were made at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Omaha Beach and, yes, the Alamo.

  • You must come out of your Patriot closets and work to elect candidates who support our ideals If your ideal candidate loses in the primary, you must equally support others who will fight for our beliefs. You will become the crazy person with the American Flag and yard signs on your block.
  • We must speak our minds for silence is assent. We must be informed, compassionate ,and speak the truth to our family, friends , and coworkers. Don't worry, Thanksgiving and Christmas are after the election.
  • You must pull out your wallet and, from the bounty God gave you, contribute to our cause. Until 9 months ago, I had never contributed money to any political campaign. That was something only the rich folks and corporations did. Well, I say it's time to buy the best government that WE THE PEOPLE can afford with contributions of 10 and 25 dollars. Does anybody remember when the Democrat got into real trouble running against Scott Brown in Mass? She flew down to DC and got several million dollars in campaign funds from the Democrat National Committee. In this 2010 election cycle they can only go to the well so many times. Let's make that well go dry! Let's make the Tea Party movement a guerrilla resistance that will make the Democrats compete for every vote and every election in California. Let's make all the money from the big Hollywood liberal fundraisers stay right here in CA. We may not win every election in CA this November but we are going to fight to win every election!!

  • And finally the most important thing that I could ask each of you to do is to seek the favor of our Almighty God for our Tea Party Movement as it says in the Declaration of Independence " With a firm reliance on Divine Providence."

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could light the fire to explode this nation into the understanding of how inportant these times are.
