Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The rest of the story

Yesterday a small tsunami occurred in the world of politics but for more than the reasons you heard reported. Alan Mollahan, a Congressional veteran of 28 years, lost his bid for reelection in of all things a Democratic primary in WV.

Taking my magic time machine as I love to do it is the year 1982 and Robert Mollahan who was Allens father retired from Congress. Robert Mollahan was first elected to Congress in 1952.

Now nepotism runs as deep as the coal seams in WV and Alan entered the family business by running for his fathers seat in Congress. The term running as I just described to you was an exaggeration. Alan Mollahan who was not even a resident of WV till shortly before the election paid his candidate registration fee and put his name on the ballot. Allan Mollahan then proceeded to not campaign or even advertise.

The loyal subjects of Congressional district 1 saw the name Mollahan and as they had for most of the last 30 years pulled the lever next to it. Alan Mollahan was elected by a landslide. I can remember several national news articles at the time mocking those voters as being stupid.

After campaigning hard Mr. Mollahan lost his election yesterday to a Democrat who was running against the policies of the national Democratic Party. In the words of the late Paul Harvey
"Now you know the rest of the story"

A Voice In the Wilderness

1 comment:

  1. A small tsunami - with waves still hitting the beaches - may it continue into the fall.

    I commented on this post a couple of weeks ago - but it seems to have gone away.
