Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Good Man

One of my goals while doing this Blogging thing is do was chronicle my involvement in the Tea Party movement. Over the past few months I have given small financial contributions to several candidates and have attended a few protests, town halls and government meetings. This week, however, marked my first venture into the world of actually working for an individual candidate running for office.

You may ask what high stakes political race was I involved with? Could it be a Gubernatorial race or perhaps a high stakes race for the US Senate? No, I was walking precincts for a candidate running for reelection to City Council in a small city I don't even live in. Why do this you ask? The reason is the person running is a good man. What makes this person a good man is that as a member of City Council his city is experiencing a budget surplus. This is something that is a rarity in this day and age and in particular in California. In addition, this person has unashamedly attended our Tea Party meetings and even served on our board. He notified us when a county transportation board tried to levy cash strapped citizens with additional license fees. He actually got up and spoke at a hearing against them!

One thing liberals preach is to think globally and to act locally and to their credit they have something with this philosophy. In order to take back our country we must elect conservatives at all levels of local government not just the glamor offices. Change must come from the bottom and not the top and we must do it electing one good man and woman at a time.

A Voice In the Wilderness

1 comment:

  1. You seem to speak as if you are inside my heart. I think you said what i have been trying to say . Thank you for that.
