Sunday, July 31, 2011

Do What is Right For America

To the Congress and Senate

As you vote on whatever final version of the debt reduction bill that comes before you I would ask you to consider the following.

Forget if the vote is good for the GOP or Democrats, forget if the vote will or will not help reelect Barack Obama. Forget if voting for or against the bill will cost your reelection.

Please remember as you vote to look above as you vote for the ghosts of Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson looking down on you.

Please also keep this in mind. Will those who died at Gettysburg, the Argonne Forest, and Normandy be satisfied that their sacrifice was sufficient for your actions today?

I would ask you to consider one thing and one thing only. Is voting for or against this bill the right thing to do for America's future?

Please pray for guidance.

1 comment:

  1. Get down on your knee as Washington did at Valley Forge and ask for guidance.
