Monday, August 29, 2011

Taking Your Ball And Going Home

To those of us old enough to remember some of the fondest memories of our youth was playing various sandlot sports. My personal favorites included touch football and softball. Occasionally an all out argument would break out over a perceived rule violation such as touching a tree on the side line without actually stepping over the line or whether the rock which the foul ball hit was in foul territory. Generally these arguments were settled after 10 to 15 min of intense negotiations. In some rare instances the game abruptly stopped when the player who owned the ball said " I'm taking my ball and I am going home"

What does the above have to do with anything? Well ,recently many Americans including myself have been purchasing precious metals in one form or an other simply because we do not trust the financial markets or even the American Dollar with Obama at the helm.

The money invested in precious metals goes to the purchase of those precious metals and nothing else. There are no mutual fund stock shares to be pumped , there are no investment decisions to be made by a board of directors and there is no investment capital to be loaned by bankers. The precious metals investment simply sits there oblivious to rest of the financial world.

Many of us have decided " to take our ball and go home"

A Voice In The Wilderness

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