Monday, October 3, 2011

No Aunt Bee For Me

Last week New Jersey Governor Chris Christie traveled to CA to make a much anticipated speech at the Reagan Library potentially announcing his candidacy for President. No announcement was made but in the audience one of his biggest fans was in attendance. That fan was non other than the newly named head of Hewlett Packard and former CA GOP Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman. Meg spent 75 million of her own money running an incredibly inept ( OK Stupid) campaign against the liberal dinosaur Jerry Brown and lost.

If you look at the picture of the loveable Aunt Bea from the old Andy Griffith TV show and you will notice the striking resemblance to Meg. You can now stop laughing except for one thing, Meg wants Gov. Christie to be the GOP nominee. The day before the speech Gov. Christie met with Aunt Bee and several big money players trying to talk him into running.

Thursday of this week Gov. Christie made a press release that he will be making a major announcement and that he has invited "major donors" to appear with him. Normally one would say they are appearing with" major supporters".

No doubt Aunt Bee will be there for the the photo op with other GOP big money players.
Sorry but this Tea Party guy says " No Aunt Bee for me!!!"

A Voice In the Wilderness

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