Saturday, January 21, 2012


For quite I while I have not given this blog very much attention. I have listened to others as to what was important in taking our county back and that involved getting up and off the couch. To an extent that is true but today I had a meeting with a friend of mine who is running for office.

Much of that discussion involved what I can do and not necessarily what I want to do in the coming year which is our most important election since 1864.

My friend told me that I had a gift for writing. With that gift he explained I had the ability to really help his campaign along with another local prominent politician running for office. I also would be able to effect public opinion and facilitate growth for groups and causes I admire on a scale that I could never have imagined through resources my friend opened to me.

Yes the Barbarian is Back and he is taking no hostages. Join me on my journey.

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