Sunday, February 17, 2013

Free Men Free Labor and Free Soil

The motto of Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men was the basis of the early Republican party.  The ideas of a man's right to work where and how he wanted, and to accumulate property in his own name were the goals of that ideology. This was the ideology of the North in the period directly before the Civil War.

  At the heart of the controversy over the extension of slavery was the issue of whether the northern or southern form of society would take root in the West and shape American destiny.   It finally led to the election of Abraham Lincoln, and to the Civil War itself.

The ideology of Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men prior to the Civil War,  provided the moral consensus which allowed the North, for the first time in history, to mobilize an entire society in modern warfare.

 What if no jobs exist or a man cannot find a job for which he is ably trained?  What if we must depend upon our government for our every need?

What if the horizons of our great land are shortened? What if we as men must live as mice in high rise stack and pack housing.

What if we as a people live unarmed  in cities patrolled by high flying drones?

 What are we to do when there is no more free soil , free labor, or free men?  What then is our course???

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