Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If you had a protest in the forest would any one hear you?

Last Friday something amazing happened just across from the ferry terminal in San Francisco. The Bay Area Patriots organization held a " town hall " meeting to protest the fact that Nancy Pelosi has not scheduled any town hall meetings during the Congressional recess. This protest was just down the street from all the local television stations and the San Francisco Chronicle yet zero coverage was given. I did see on one local news telecasts where a group of about 30 gray panther types marched in Oakland for health care reform on the same day


A little over a week ago Nancy Pelosi was interviewed by the Chronicle and was asked if she thought the protests against health care reform at town hall meetings were part of a grass roots movement.


This quote appeared nowhere in the Chronicle but fortunately was captured on camera and put immediately on You Tube. I mentioned this comment by the speaker to a young lady at work named Megan who is of liberal persuasion. She had not heard the comment and appeared to be visibly shaken after hearing it. Were you?

The Chronicle which is running on the edge of bankruptcy could have certainly sold a few more papers or gained more web traffic with the above quote in its headline. You may ask why not report the news isn't that their job? This quote like the protest must have occurred in a forest as far as the old media was concerned. What is not reported is not heard. What is never heard never happened. A free press shackled to silence as it serves in slavery to the liberal establishment. Mr. Pulitzer is rolling in his grave.

1 comment:

  1. But Joey, there were crazy people carrying swastikas to town hall meetings, shouting down cancer patients and panicking about the encroach of "socialism" into America. These people aren't generally grassroots, they're set up by Glenn Beck and Limbaugh and the like, and as such, the term "Astroturf" applies. :) Not all of them (there still is reasonable opposition to this bill from both sides), but a good amount of them.
