Friday, December 25, 2009

The Best Of 2009

2009 was a year of hope and change but in ways no one expected.

The following are links I view as the most important contributions to conservative Americana for the year. There are 15 links below (none more than 3 min.) so you may want to digest this in a couple of sittings. They are somewhat in a chronological order so as to tell a story

1. The rant from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

2. Democracy at its best. (OR WORST) The town hall meeting

3.Nancy Pelosi Calls the Tea Party Movement AstroTurf

4. An African American college professor beaten; His crime handing out American Flags ( and being on the wrong side of the health care debate)

5. Nancy cries

6. Did someone say CZARs?

7.The rediscovered classic 1948 cartoon Make Mine Freedom

8.The instant classic the Acorn Video

9.The Protest In DC

10. You Lie!

11. Harry Reed equates opposition to health care reform to being pro slavery

12.SF Chronicle December 13 article on tea party radicals

13. Rasmussen Poll 12-7-09

14. December 20 Rhode Island Senator Whitehouse speaks his mind. A joyful rendition of bipartisanship for the holidays

15. Jack Webb of Dragnet lectures our President : The future of political advertising

Finally, for Christmas I sent my representatives a Pink Slip ( See the picture to the left above)10 million of these have already been sent to every person in the US Congress and Senate at a cost of $300 million dollars. In fact the entire US supply of pink paper has been exhausted during this campaign. But you never heard this on CNN, ABC, CBS, or NBC now did you?

Happy New Year: The Chinese have a proverb which states May you live in interesting times. Well we certainly do. Did anyone tell you the biggest mass demonstration in American history will be taking place April 15, 2010. Well you heard it here first

A Voice in the Wilderness

PS: In the new year I will give my State of the Blog address. ( Warning will be extremely funny)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

These are not the Droids you are looking for

There is a scene in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are interrogated by a couple of Imperial Stormtroopers as to the origin of the Droids (robots) in the back of their hover car. Obi-Wan waves his hand and tells the storm trooper " These are not the Droids you are looking for. We can move along" The storm trooper, affected by the power of the Jedi, parrots the words of Obi-Wan and motions the hover car to move on.

OK, what the heck does this have to do with anything? Well, for one thing, there is a lot of news that the major media just does not report . I first became aware of this in 1989 when we were visiting some friends of ours who happened to be hosting an exchange student from what at that time was called West Germany. The Berlin wall had recently fallen and we were eager to ask the young lady questions. We asked a few questions but was taken back when the young lady said that the protests that led to the falling of the wall started two full weeks before the news media covered the event in the USA. We were surprised to hear this but we attributed it to the delicate situation of geopolitics at the time between the US and the former USSR.

Flash forward to 2009 and we have Climate Gate, the scandal where several thousand emails have been hacked from a British University on the subject of global warming. For over two weeks NBC, CBS, and ABC ignored a story which was covered in leading world newspapers and even made the John Stewart show. The world is a lot different than 1989 and with the advent of the internet news just can't be controlled or contained the way it used to be by the old media.

Concerning Climate Gate we have in effect been told: "These are not the droids we were looking for" and yet we could clearly see them in the back seat. We live in a country that has freedom of the press yet refuses to report an "inconvenient story." To those of us old enough to remember Daniel Ginsburg and the Pentagon Papers any attempt by the media to defend their actions in not reporting this story reeks of hypocrisy.

In the words of the late Mr. Rodgers "Boys and girls can you spell collusion? Sure I knew you could." Does the fact that news and facts are being suppressed by the media scare you? Well it should! You might be surprised what else you aren't being told!

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Spare Me Please

I have a unique perspective on the environment. I have seen things that would make most of you cringe. Walking to school in the first grade, I smelled nasty fumes from a chemical plant over 20 miles away which made me puke. I remember being in a car driving past a steel mill in the late 60's and my aunt having to turn the car lights on during the day as flakes of ash fell as a black snow. I saw salt water pumped out of oil and gas wells into creeks and rivers killing what few fish lived in them.

Later on I lived in the Four-Corners area and saw power plants in Arizona burning coal with no pollution equipment. This had the unexpected effect of providing the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. Finally, I settled in the golden state of CA and remember seeing the black dirty haze of smog as you flew over the mountains at San Bernadino on your way to LAX airport.

We have come a long way and things are much better then they used to be. I live in a small house that is very energy efficient and even have solar panels on my roof. I practice organic gardening and, for the most part, have driven economy cars. Am I trying to save the planet? No, I am just frugal and try to make choices based on common sense.

I want to run my own life. I like to set my thermostat where I am comfortable. That means the air conditioner at 68 and heat at 72 . I also love to BBQ and burn my charcoal grill at least one day a week for 9 months out the year. But now I have a problem. There is a governmental agency called the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and they have, for many years, established what are called "Spare the Air Days". The intent of these is to make people aware of high air pollution days. Theoretically upon the announcement of one of these days you are supposed to to take a rickshaw to work or better yet become hunter-gatherer vegans. To be honest, the announcement of these days to most of us has been a complete joke. Our lives proceed as normal as we go to work ,school and the doctor and we drive in our cars to do the mundane things that need doing.

But bureaucrats have one thing in common; they want power and when they get their way they enact regulations. These in turn become law. Now when there is a WINTER spare the air day, no fires are allowed. That means you, as a homeowner, can not burn a log in your fireplace . The smog police literally tour neighborhoods via car and helicopter looking for violators of the law. I have a problem with that. With the current economy many families are stretching their budget any way they can and I have no doubt that families are shivering in the cold.

You may say "Who was stupid enough to gave these regulators that kind of power?" All you have to do is look at the typical San Francisco Bay Area voter. They vote 85% Democrat of which 100% of those elected are liberal. The liberals in turn appoint people to commissions and governmental boards who share the view that "you are too ignorant to run your own affairs and the government most be brought in to protect you." Throw in the fantasies of the new modern Earth worship or "global warming" and you have a recipe for tyranny.

Spare Me From This Insanity

A Voice Crying In the Wilderness