Friday, December 25, 2009

The Best Of 2009

2009 was a year of hope and change but in ways no one expected.

The following are links I view as the most important contributions to conservative Americana for the year. There are 15 links below (none more than 3 min.) so you may want to digest this in a couple of sittings. They are somewhat in a chronological order so as to tell a story

1. The rant from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

2. Democracy at its best. (OR WORST) The town hall meeting

3.Nancy Pelosi Calls the Tea Party Movement AstroTurf

4. An African American college professor beaten; His crime handing out American Flags ( and being on the wrong side of the health care debate)

5. Nancy cries

6. Did someone say CZARs?

7.The rediscovered classic 1948 cartoon Make Mine Freedom

8.The instant classic the Acorn Video

9.The Protest In DC

10. You Lie!

11. Harry Reed equates opposition to health care reform to being pro slavery

12.SF Chronicle December 13 article on tea party radicals

13. Rasmussen Poll 12-7-09

14. December 20 Rhode Island Senator Whitehouse speaks his mind. A joyful rendition of bipartisanship for the holidays

15. Jack Webb of Dragnet lectures our President : The future of political advertising

Finally, for Christmas I sent my representatives a Pink Slip ( See the picture to the left above)10 million of these have already been sent to every person in the US Congress and Senate at a cost of $300 million dollars. In fact the entire US supply of pink paper has been exhausted during this campaign. But you never heard this on CNN, ABC, CBS, or NBC now did you?

Happy New Year: The Chinese have a proverb which states May you live in interesting times. Well we certainly do. Did anyone tell you the biggest mass demonstration in American history will be taking place April 15, 2010. Well you heard it here first

A Voice in the Wilderness

PS: In the new year I will give my State of the Blog address. ( Warning will be extremely funny)

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