Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Riding the elephant

Elephants are strong and have been utilized as beasts of burden in Asia for as long as we know. Elephants are also short sited , are known for their long memory and also can also be short tempered. A logging elephant can slam its master to the ground after the master has fed and taken care of the beast for decades.

Yes I am using an elephant as an analogy for the GOP. For you see this election cycle the elephant has a new master in the members of the tea party. The beast bears additional burdens this election cycle in that its new masters actually expect the elephant to be happy with less. That is less government , less taxes and less pork.

Many of the elephant herd long for the past when the rhetoric ran deep and things were much simpler. Just until recently you could trumpet an anti flag burning amendment in the morning and after lunch with the lobbyist there was still plenty of time to add earmarks to the appropriations bill.

Trust me I have no ambition to ride an elephant but I am left with no choice. It is the only animal capable of performing the hard work needing to be done this November. The question is will the beast serve its new master or throw us to the ground.

A Voice In the Wilderness

PS I have re-posted my posting The Big Brass Elephant from last year for historical reference .

1 comment:

  1. I also will ride the big beast but I will carry a stick and if it trys to turn to the left I will stick it up its Butt.
