Sunday, July 11, 2010

You Might Be a Tea Partier If

I did this short comedy routine at the beginning of a recent Solano County Tea Party Patriots meeting. I hope that you will enjoy it.

According to the famous comedian Jeff Foxworthy the definition of a redneck is -The Glorious absence of sophistication

One definition of sophistication is- A change to the natural character or simplicity or the resulting condition. I would say the definition of a Tea Partier is the glorious absence of sophistication in matters involving Patriotism

If any of the below items pertain to you personally then- You Might Be a Tea Partier!!

1. If you have more than one tee shirt with an American flag on it then...
2. If you own a flag with a snake on it then....
3. If you think you we need to spend less money than you take in then...
4. If you would rather go fishing with Sarah Palin then on a junket with Nancey Pelosi then...
5. If you believe more government is less and less government is more then....
6. If you think yes, no, and is are simple two and three letter words with one definition then....
7. If you think the best use for the NY Times is as a hamster cage liner then....
8. If you believe the nation that sent a man to the moon can build a fence on the border then...
9. If you are looking forward to Nov 2 then YOU MIGHT BE A TEA PARTIER!!!

Until latter

A Voice In the Wilderness


  1. You're a tea bagger if ...... you're a racist, elitist piece of shit

  2. I don't think you're an American, if you were, you might understand the constitution, therefore, understand the rights of the American people, and understand what this administration is doing to our country. I too at one time didn't understand and hopefully someday you'll see the light too, I just hope it's not too late!
    God Bless America

  3. Why is it that those who post ignorant comments always post as "Anonymous"? Hmmmmm...

    I thought this was incredibly funny - mostly because it is true!


  4. Karen,

    It was funny that the nasty post came about two minutes after I posted a link on the Bay Area Patriots Yahoo group page. I never knew I was an elitist when I put up hay for one dollar an hour when I was a teenager or when I worked outdoors on night shift in Minnesota. I also have spent most of the last seven years helping serve BBQ chicken to homeless people in my community on Saturday nights. Yep that's what your typical racist does on a Saturday night.
