Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Everythings Free In CA!!

To All : Just wanted to inform you on what the Democrat Controlled State Legislature and Gov Brown have been up to
1. They just passed the dream act not only do illegals get in state tuition they can get financial aid or go to college for free.

2.. They also changed the application process for food stamps so you no longer need to be fingerprinted to obtain them . This will make it much easier for illegal aliens to get them.

3. Policemen at DUI checkpoints can no longer check to see if you have a driver's license or auto insurance. If you are an illegal alien and are stopped no problem. Hey why the heck does anyone in CA need insurance or a driver's license?

4. The radical Hispanic caucus in the CA legislature is poised to pass legislation reenacting affirmative action at CA colleges. Illegals will not only get a free education but go to the front of the line at the best universities.

We May AS Well Put A Sign On The State Border Saying


A Voice In the Wilderness

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