Sunday, August 23, 2009

In search of Ronald Reagan

The year was 1980 and the warnings were all around us. If we elected this conservative cowboy the world as we knew it would come to an end. We would surely be the victims of a nuclear Holocaust as the result of a war with the Soviet Union. The children would starve and the elderly would die if this conservative ogre were elected. The intellectuals and the pundits foretold our impeding doom like old testament prophets. Despite all these warnings the American people elected this populist as President. The following eight years were not perfect. The federal budget never once was balanced. The USA however gained so much from this man in his eternal optimism, the championing of the American dream. and the strengthening of national pride, and his good natured wit. You knew where he stood on any issue and after he explained his position you understood what he said whether you agreed with him or not.

In his last speech as President Reagan warned us of an America which felt patriotism but whose citizens lacked a basic knowledge of the history and events which should shape their patriotism. In 1992 Regan gave his last speech in public and as time passed he faded into Alzheimer's. At that time Conservatives began to yearn for his fatherly advice delivered from the bully pulpit. We conservatives have hoped for some time that another politician others would pick up his torch of the conservative movement. Sadly the GOP has lost its roots and for 20 years has been speaking Reaganise while at the same time ignoring the conservative principles he stood for. Yesterday a congresswoman got in trouble for saying Republicans were looking for "The next great white hope". The choice of words was unfortunate but also hit the nail on the head at the same time.
We have looked in hope at Bush SR. , Dan Quayle , Newt, GW, and Sarah only to be disappointed time after time waiting for them to channel the great communicator.

But a funny thing has happened. The other day I heard a person make a comment at a town hall meeting about how it took Obama six months to pick the family dog a much longer time then the Congress has spent in preparing a national overhaul of the insurance system. I said to myself Reagan would have been proud of that comment and then it struck me. The average Jane and John Doe have picked up the football and are running with it. We can't wait for someone else to do it. And the same as 20 years ago we conservatives are now labeled as neanderthals , and hate mongers lacking the common sense to do what Big Brother demands. Look across America and search no more. The spirit of Ronald Reagan is alive and well. Somewhere I am sure the Gipper is riding high in the saddle across the plains of Heaven with a big smile on his face.

1 comment:

  1. Conservatives and liberals come from totally different viewpoints on everything, that sometimes I'm not sure they won't keep passing each other like ships in the night. Most liberals were not fans of Ronnie, not his governing style, and many blame him for the turn this country took back in the '80s.

    Going back to Regan won't fix things...maybe going back to a conservative like Dwight or Teddy would be great, but Ronnie? We really want to usher back in Reganomics and ketchup as a vegetable?

    See? Totally different starting points.
