Sunday, August 30, 2009

The next address to the schools coming soon

I can not take credit for this. It was written by a good friend of mine in another state. He had never sent me an email as far as I could remember until today. He is the kind of person who just goes to work pays their taxes and votes every two years. He is a part of the great sleeping giant waking up.

Following is his email

President Obama’s 2ND Address to Students Across America (Coming Soon)
PreK-6 Menu of Classroom Activities: President Obama’s Address to Students Across America
Produced by Teaching Ambassador Comrades, U.S. Department of Education
In the Near Future
Before the Speech:
• Teachers can build background knowledge about subjects very important to the President like the
impending end of the world due to climate change and how some evil people in the country don't want
sick people to be able to see the doctor and get well.
• Motivate students by asking the following questions:
Do you want all the Polar Bears in the World to suffer horribly and die?
Do you want your sick grandma to be thrown out into the street to die?
Do you want to see Mommy or Daddy be fired and be poor because they don't have proper collective
bargaining representation like your teacher does?
Do you worry about all the mean people who don't like the president, who is the only person who
really cares about you and the fate of the world?
• Teachers can ask students to imagine the poor president being bullied by all the mean people who don't
like him because of his color and because he cares. What would you want to be done about the bullies?
• Why is it important that we listen to our government officials who, after all, only have our best interests
at heart and have to make difficult decisions in spite of what some less enlightened people think.
During the Speech:
• As the President speaks, teachers can ask students to write down key ideas or phrases that are important
or personally meaningful.
• As students listen to the speech, they could think about the following:
What can I personally do to help the President battle his bullies?
What might happen if the president isn't allowed to stay in office until his job is done?
After the Speech:
• Encourage Students to share their concerns over what the President has said.
• Encourage Students to share concerns about their friend and families that may not agree with or support
the President and his vision.
• Encourage students to ask their friends and families about their feelings about what the President said
and be prepared to come to class and share these with the class and Teacher. Questions may include but
not limited to:
Do Mommy and Daddy talk bad about the President or disagree with his desire to help the Polar bears
and Grandma?
Do Mommy and Daddy talk bad about the President with their friends and other family members?
Do Mommy or Daddy own any guns?
Do Mommy or Daddy not belong to a Union?
Does Mommy, Daddy or any of your brothers or sisters serve in the Military?
Do Mommy and Daddy have health insurance for you so you won't die if you get sick?
Preparations for the next address to the children:
• Look for the new materials to be released before the next address outlining the new "Concerned Child
Citizen's Program (CCCP) to motivate children to be responsible state citizens and report any concerns
they have about their friends and families attitude towards the President's plans.
• Look for an announcement soon for special summer camps, geared toward preparing children for
national service in organizations like the Americorps, ACORN and the new National Security Service. ( End of EMail)

OK: To be honest I don't think there will be anything objectionable in the President's speech to school children next week. My intuition says the content of the President's speech will be much different than the one he originally planned to give and that's a good thing. That is only because we have raised Cain which is still our right for now. Giving a speech at the beginning of the school year just before a national speech to a joint session of Congress on health care has a stench about it.

In 1991 Bush senior gave a speech to school children and the Democrats complained as
is their right. Please see the following link

I received a flier from my Congressman George Miller today and I agreed with nearly every thing it said regarding health care. The only problem I have no trust in Mr. Miller. That's where we are right now many of us simply don't trust anything that comes from Washington. Stay tuned its going to be interesting.

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