Thursday, February 25, 2010

god is Dead

In April 1966 the headline on Time Magazine's front cover read "God is Dead." The accompanying article concerned a movement in American theology that arose in the 1960s known as the "death of God". The proponents of this movement believed that man had outgrown God and that man would achieve meaning through his own morality and accomplishment in a post-monotheistic world.

To those of you who know know me personally, or through my blog, I can assure you that God is alive and god (little g) is dead. In the late 1960's the environmental movement was born and over time spawned the belief in the actuality of man-made global warming. To many the protection of "mother earth" has become their god.

In 2006, former Vice President Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth championed "the science" supporting climate change. In 2007, Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri the head of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change garnered the Nobel Peace prize.

Soon anyone who was anyone in Hollywood assured us as to the inevitable climatic catastrophe which awaited us if immediate action was not taken. Scientists who did not agree with their peers were ostracized and blackballed. Politicians who expressed disbelief were labeled as being tools of big oil.

The reduction of carbon dioxide became a potential source of revenue to cash strapped governments through cap and trade legislation. The United Kingdom has adopted such legislation and recently a steel mill in the UK was purchased by the Indian conglomerate for which Mr. Pachauri works. The mill was shut down and 2000 employees lost their jobs as the mill's carbon credits were sold for several million dollars. And you thought they only wanted to save the planet?

As most of you who follow my blog know, one of my main rants is the complicity of the old media with the liberal establishment in not reporting or under-reporting certain news stories.
One such story is "Climate Gate" which deals with the publishing of hacked emails from scientists who did not agree with the concept of global warming and inferred manipulation of data used in scientific papers. This news story and its fallout until recently have received very little coverage in the USA but is front page news in UK and Canadian Newspapers.

Following are two links. The first outlines the recent fallout in a chronological order. The second one is frankly disorganized but contains the latest " hot off the press news" concerning Climate Gate

It looks like god is dead in Canada and the UK. It is only a matter of time till he is dead in the USA.

A Voice in the Wilderness

Then again there are some fundamentalists out there who will cling to their superstitions.

These people are really scary!

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