Thursday, February 4, 2010


Last week there was a primary election in Illinois. Somewhere between the cold weather and voter apathy a massive 30% of registered voters showed up. The tales of voter discontent and anger must obviously be overstated. We have just added one point nine trillion dollars more of public debt, continue to have two war fronts raging, and just lost four million more jobs. Hey, things are great. Didn't the government just announce that the unemployment rate actually went down!??

In the word's of that cat eating alien Alf" "No problem!!!"

The political machines of both parties, more or less, got their way in Illinois and at the end of the day an elephant and a donkey were spotted at a bar toasting each other that the status quo was pretty much being preserved. Last week can serve as a lesson learned on what happens when we the voters allow ourselves to be uninformed, keep our wallets in our pockets and let the political parties pick our candidates instead of us.

The primaries are coming in many other states much sooner than anyone can imagine. Do you know who is running for office and what that candidate actually stands for? Or are you just a fool with your pants on the ground?

Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground. Looking like a fool with our pants on the ground.

A Voice In the Wilderness

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