Friday, January 15, 2010

A Great Victory for the Rebellion!!!

A New Hope!!

The words ring truer tonight than any time recently. A rag-tag group of Tea Party Patriots has destroyed the sacred battlestar of Camelot. We must remember, however, that the Emperor is still in power ( even though most of us now see he has no clothes ) and will not give up easily. The evil Darth Pelosi, whose body parts are held together with plastic surgery, will seek to hunt us down.
I must state that if anything that goes wrong in this country before Nov. 2010, it will be blamed on the rebellion. In the words of that great American patriot John Paul Jones "We have not yet begun to Fight."

Remember, we are the good guys and we always win in the end. As for tonight I feel like a Wookie hopped up on Red Bull.

I wrote this Friday night in anticipation of the election of Scott Brown

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

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