Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Playing Paul Revere

I had an amazing occurrence last week. I obtained a piece of breaking news and transmitted it nationally before any big media did.

Recently, I have recently followed the US Senate special election in Massachusetts with rapt attention. In 2004, when John Kerry ran for President, the Governor of Mass. was Republican Mitt Romney. The late Ted Kennedy feared that Romney would appoint a Republican to take over Kerry's Senate seat and influenced the state legislature to change the law so that a special election would be required should Kerry be elected. Fast forward to 2009 and Kennedy is dying of cancer. The rules were again changed and after Kennedy died the sitting Democrat governor appointed a Democrat caretaker to the Senate seat.

A special election was set for 1-19-10 and the winner of the Democratic primary candidate, state attorney-general Martha Copley, was all but given the keys to the Senate office in Washington . But pride goeth before the fall and it seems that Ms. Copley felt no need to campaign in December with the holidays and all plus a 30-point lead in the polls. The GOP candidate State Senator and former Cosmopolitan magazine centerfold Scott Brown had not read the script that he was supposed to lose and campaigned hard.

The poll numbers increased for Scott and a low hum started on Facebook. When Brown got within 9 percentage points in the polls, the hum turned into a steady buzz and I felt the need to carry the message. The election of Mr. Brown would completely change the existing political paradigm in Washington and I felt that was intriguing.

But what could I do? I live over 3,000 miles away in the Peoples' Republic of California. The first thing I did was pull out my wallet and contribute $25. Yes, I am that typical fat cat GOP donor they have been warning you about. I then proceeded to post the link to his website on the numerous conservative pages I contribute to.

As my curiosity increased I became a fan of Scott Brown on Facebook last Friday night and about 8 PM Pacific Time I saw a Facebook posting "PIP poll shows Scott Brown in lead " I did a web search and found the Poll data on the poll website but could find no news sites covering this.
At that time I again posted the news concerning the polls to the conservative sites. On Saturday afternoon one of the big political bloggers, Michelle Malkin, finally posted the story followed by Fox News late Sunday, and eventually as the lead story on the Newsmax site Monday morning.

To an extent, I have felt like a modern Paul Revere spreading news of hope to Patriots far and wide. I have been joined by many others spreading the word over the past few days On Monday the Brown campaign raised 1.3 million dollars in 24 hours. You may ask "why didn't you post the news item on your blog last Friday night and take credit?" For one reason - it was more important to post the links unfiltered and unfettered by my blog package to as many people as possible. The other reason is that this blog is not a news site. It's an opinion site and a journal of my experiences. Who wins next week is anyone's guess and will be one for the history books. As for those of us who spread the message the following may be apt:

Listen, my children, and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five;

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year
Till the next time: A voice in the wilderness

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