Sunday, November 8, 2009

Making Seuss of the Matter

Now there was an old Writch (Witch + Grinch) that some say lived in the land of DC .
A most Utopian place filled with more bureaucrats than a forest has trees.

But that old Writch hated those who lived in the outside,
in land the land of the Doos for so she said:
"they are AstroTurf and don't wear designer shoes"

Now that old Writch cooked up quite a plot.
The old Writch said "We will give the Doos a health care bill whether they like it or not.
Now we will polish it and package it and will extol it with glee.
We will tell the stupid Doos that it will be free .
We will even shout it virtues from the hallowed halls of NBC. "

Now every thing was going to plan or so the old Writch thought.The Doos were sleeping and Horton (the elephant) sloughed.
Then the smallest of the Doos, little Cindy Lou Doo, did something the Writch never expected her to, she opened her special package and read it through and through.

Now little Cindy Lou Doo said "This is something more here than a present for me;
it looks like there is something in this package that costs over a trillion dollars and a hundred billion times three.

"Now Cindy and a million other Doos traveled to DC.
They clanged and made a great noise.
The old media ignored them and said go home and play with your toys.

Nothing changed because that old Writch had no heart
and she could not wait for the voting to approve her package to start.
The clock chimed 12 and the Writch shouted with glee:
" The bill is approved! Thank you for making history with me!"

The next day the old Writch put her ear to the ground
listening for sighing and the baying of hounds.
"My package is passed! the deed is done! why no crying or other sad sounds?

Then the old Writch raised up from the ground and looked out past the land of DC.
All she could see was Little Cindy Lou Doo and the Doo's land of the free.

The Doos were growing and adding you see,
and it seemed they had multiplied by factors of 10 of millions times three.

Now the old Writch's problem was not really that she had no heart
but in judging we Doos as not very smart.

The moral of the story is: One should learn how to count above 220.

A Voice Laughing in the Wilderness

PS : My sincere apologies to Dr. Seuss

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